new album out now

✶ new album out now

I (finally) put out an album, and I’m so glad you’re checking it out!

This album is a collection of all my favorite songs I’ve written “so far” (since 2015). I had a blast creating this thing, and I hope you find something in it that resonates. Some of these songs are slightly depressing - please note I’m doing fine now lol.

I’m challenging myself to promote my album without social media and I hope that if you enjoy it, you’ll send it to someone you think would like it instead of posting about it.

Thanks for listening :)


to Grace (and Beverly the dog), for the album art photo.

to Marla, my number one fan.

to Matt B, for lending me some stellar gear.

to Matt P, for the encouragement and plug-in wisdom.

to my family, for the creative genes and whatever intentional and unintentional things led me here.

to Stephanie, Hikari, Toni, Leah, Brian, and Easton for letting me use your voice notes and voicemails.

to all my friends and acquaintances over all the years who gave my any type of support or positive feedback on my creative endeavors. Even the little things make a huge difference. I may have produced this album by myself, but I certainly didn’t do it alone :)